scream out loud
Makes Me Happier!
you're on your way
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Anyway, we celebrated JASMINE's birthday (which is supposedly on the 1st of July, this sun) yesterday! It was wayne's idea to surprise her at the lift with the birthday cake. Before we did that, she already told me bout how her classmates surprised her before her lab today and how happy she was about it. Then i was thinking to myself, OMG. aren't we doing the same thing?! hopefully she was still SURPRISED and enjoyed herself. but i definitely did. wahaha. yahyah. and below are the photos! (:
Jasmine cutting her birthday cake! (:

The bubbletea tastes like crap! yucks.

That's just ONE of the many unglam photos Jasmine took of us. =x

Can you believe she claims that she's camera shy?! lol.
She's happy showing off the nail polish her classmates gave her. wahaha.

No wonder they call him erika the porn star. HAHA.

Not again!

And of course, the very sweet couple. (:
That's just most of the photos we took, too lazy to upload ALL.
love, orange
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Say HI to Jasmin's very first blog! (: I thought i'll NEVER in my life have a blog due to reasons like.. being lazy and a complete computer idiot. =x but one fine day, after looking at i-forgot-who's blog, i got tempted to have one myself. so, TADA! lol. ahhh. but i wonder who in the world will even read my blog. hopefully there's at least one single soul who does and i will be extremely grateful towards that person. HAHA. okaaay, at least the background is ORANGE so i can admire it myself. whee! to people who still thinks orange is such an ugly colour that the sight of it just makes you wanna puke. please do bear with it for that very few seconds in ur life u ever view my blog. cos it's my favourite colour! (: whee.
love orange.
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