scream out loud
Makes Me Happier!
you're on your way
Sunday, October 28, 2007
[i didn't get scolded for losing my phone! what a miracle. heaves a GREAT sigh of relief*]
havent changed my no.
but i lost everyone's no.!
so my nxt mission is to bug people to get their no.s back. (:
pardon me if i ask 'who you r' yah.
oh! and then my dad bought a new monitor for me!
it's like SUPER BIG.
great for cock-eyed people like me!
(ps, pls dont ask me what model whatsoever, cos im IT-NOT-saavy.
and then i wore a new ORANGE blouse to work today.
good motivation to step out of the house early in the morn!
not to forget, little things my students do that make me happy.
im half happy that from nxt week onwards 5pm-6pm will be breaktime for me.
and half sad cos i kinda miss my students.
told them today'll be their last class.
then the student whom i only taught for three weeks or so actually exclaimed
"why! but i want to have lessons! ):"
SO TOUCHING! my heart melted like cheese in your burger.
also, finally people are buying things from BLISQUE ! (:(:
and one of them is my lovable jia yi! :D:D:D:D
there's school tmr! :D will be having my VERY FIRST uART lecture!
wish me luck that it's full of exciting stuffs to do! (:
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
i think the subs we're taking this sem are so much better! :D:D
at least i dont seem to see that much of chemistry! :D
don't you think chemistry is like UN-understandable?!?!
hopefully i wont even see it.
think the most horrible and boring lecture is cell biology lah!
even though the lecturer has cute dimples.
but then learning bout the anatomy of the microscope makes my brain switch off automatically.
practical is fun though! (:
im looking forward to playing with blood next prac! (:(:
got basic finance and accounting and understanding art for cds.
FA lecture is boring too. ):
heard that my tutor is a really nice and understanding lady, so there's probably still hope! HAHA. (:
ahhh. and and! i heard uART is difficult! ): ):
i want my storytelling cds!!!!
i dont know how many times i've been complaining.
okok. at least uART sounds more interesting than taking MerchandiseOfEnterprise (which i got initially) to me.
band prac will be everyday except fri nxt week! :D
anyway, i lost my phone. sighs.*
somebody slap me pls. i keep losing things! =.=
problem with being messy and unorganised.
probably getting a phone later or something.
then i'll be contactable again! :D yay!
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
ORANGE (talking to student) : wah, you actually love butterflies so much even ur blouse has a butterfly! (:
STUDENT'S MUM: i sewed it on! have to do that for ALL her clothes. or else she won't wear it!
totally shocked when i heard that. hehhhh.
the only thing i could think of saying was "at least she knows what she likes at such a young age! (:"
=x what else could i say!
i can't say "omg! she's such a naughty pampered kid!" or just smile and walk off.
her mum already thinks very lowly of her.
forever telling me how stupid her girl is. kinda pity that little girl.
heard from my colleagues that some parents give their child loads of stress.
once there was this poly lecturer who sent her daughter for trail lesson.
her daughter couldn't understand what the teacher was saying.
the lecturer kept screaming at her!
that poor girl kept crying non-stop.
and then the lecturer got SO FED UP, she GRABBED her child by the collar and THREW HER ON THE FLOOR.
the girl could only continue crying.
of all things to do, her mum actually threatened to throw her down from the fifth floor! =/
OBVIOUSLY, her child can't follow up with the class since she's only coming for TRAIL.
and i know it can't be the teacher's fault.
cos from what i know of (and will be able to see even if im blind), she's a really great teacher well loved by her many students.
i pity kids with such parents! not like they were geniuses who knew everything since the moment they were born!
no matter how smart a person is, it still takes time to practise and learn right.
goodness sake, a lecturer, yet doesnt have common sense and a little humanity.
people like that should shoot themselves!
omgg. should stop spoiling my mood thinking of people like that.
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i should really start writing down my plans when i get old before i forget.
First plan,
i must definitely have friends. (which im afraid i might not have, because everyone will get married then they'll not bother bout this old woman!)
Second plan,
Get married. At least i know i wont be alone when im old! BUT AGAIN, troublesome to have a partner. =x
Third plan,
Join a CC, Club for old folks - e.g. LAUGHING CLUB. (I SAW IT AT SOME CC OKAAAAY. im so gonna join one next time. HAHA.)
This way, i will have activities like playing badminton at ah ma speed, gossiping bout the younger generation, etc. yah. to keep my brain alive. HAHA.
Fourth plan,
Go to a nursing home. THEN PEOPLE WILL TAKE CARE OF ME! (: but where to get the money? oh crap. and then i'll be stucked in the same place forever.
Fifth plan,
Worst of all. Work.
i dont know lah. but it seems to be proven that it's better to work even when u're old so you wont stop thinking. my friend's grandfather died a few weeks/isitdays after he retired! ):
omg, being old is such a headache. i wonder what i'll do. in fact, i can't even see my future in 5 yrs time! ): DIE. no wonder the sch made us do plannings like that for apel lessons so we'll start worrying before it's too late. =/
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
anyway! TPband will be having a three day publicity from tues to thurs outside the lib. so do come n watch if you're free yah! there'll be two performances per day.
Do catch either one of them! :D
if you havent purchased tickets from me by wed, you can also get it at the booth outside the lib! :D
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
zhen ting (my one and only individual student) gave me something today! :D
she said she made the WHOLE THING herself. i cant really figure out what it is though. =x
lemme bring you through the ADVENTURE OF OPENING A PRESENT. HAHA.

yah. this is the final thing. at first i thought it's a bracelet. but cannot be!
1stly, it's TOO SMALL FOR MY WRIST. have to admit im not slim n all lah. ):
2ndly, it's not like connected at the ends.
so i concluded it's just an ornament that i should keep in myfileofpreciousthings again. LOL.
and then u know what.
i had this autistic child who came for makeup class today. he's such a poor little thing.
he can't exactly pay attention or understand what you're saying sometimes.
he can't read (which by that age he's supposed to be able to).
he needs to go for counselling.
and the worst thing of all is, he has a hole in his heart. ): and i mean it literally.
he'll be going for operation soon. ):
he's really good at music you know. like even though he doesnt understand if you explain it in words and stuff. but he's rhythmic sense is wah, pro. it's the 'say once and know all' kind. my admin told me autistic children are usually more keen in music than anything else.
luckily his mum is really patient with him. not all parents are like that okay. actually most of the parents from my classes are. it's like even though they're so busy with their work etc. they nvr fail to find time for their children and think of new and exciting ways to teach them. salutes!*
parents are such great, noble people. :D
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Friday, October 12, 2007
no more drp = no more early mornings for one week! :D
got concert tickets today! :D
Temasek polytechnic Renaissance (Auditorium 1)
Fri 02 Nov 07
FREE seating
also, by buying two tickets, you get one "east meets south" ticket free! :D
so, why wait? HAHA! get them NOW while stocks last! :D
details for "east meets south" concert:
brought to you by TP's Chinese drums, Chinese Orchestra, and not forgetting, Latin Amercian Combo Band. It'll be on the 9th Nov. Same time, same venue.
you know. it's $6 if u purchase it. but if u buy two band tics you get it FREE! FREE! and i repeat again, FREE! so YOU, being a singaporean, should be kiasu and get at least TWO band tics! :D
to get tickets, please call Jasmin at ifyoudontknowthenaskorelseyoushouldknow. :D
or else, there's always MSN! :D
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
wm, jia yu, soh, and i met up after super long!
had seoul garden.
ate meat, meat, and more meat! was damn full lah.
went off for band, and met them again! :D
bought him this fox polo tee, but have to change the size another day. HAHA!
freaking lucky today okay!
i dropped my ezlinkcard, matrix card, posb card, dunodunnowhatcardsetcetc. on the bus.
im not a meetdifficultsituationsandkeepcalmperson so the first thing i did was SCREEEEAAAM. (obviously inside my mind!)
luckily matt kinda helped me.
some kind soul actually returned it to me in less than a day! :D
seriously, i think it's the amulet in my red pouch that helped! LOL. (i'm a very superstitious person. HAHA.)
do you know that yong woei is actually super lame to the extent you duno what to say sometimes and i actually thought he's quiet the first time i saw him! zhen ren bu lou xiang is so true. HAHA.
(li hong, wei zhen, nicholas, me, and of course, yong woei were having dinner today...)
nicholas: i lost my appetite.
yong woei: call 999 lah!
LOL! lame, but u have to admit it's funny right! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
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Monday, October 8, 2007
i feel high, high, high now! :D
perhaps just sugar rush. WAHAHA. :D
yay! shopping tmr! :D
then will be seeing wei ming n ppl on wed!
then thurs swimming!
fri finish drp. (hopefully!)
YAY! :D :D :D
suddenly, i miss school. i miss my classmates. i miss sleeping in the lecture theatre. (it's quite comfortable, really. if u sit at the sides that is) =x AHH. but no more sleeping next sem! if u ever know of me sleeping pls pls pls SLAP ME AWAKE OKAY. i must score my many tests with FLYING COLOURS! WOOOOO! :D
YAY. doors closing. DEEDEEDEEDEE* TATA! :D
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
i created a CLUBPENGUIN account today! =x
it's like a neopets thing. but there, you adopt penguins! duh.
this is how the penguins look like...
get a clubpenguin account now! =x
i obviously adopted a orange penguin. HAHA. n it has this stupid name: toemaetoe. LOL
the kids in school introduced it to my colleague working as an admin who, in turned, introduced it to me. HAH! so i just went to see what it's like lah. the penguin thing is cute okay! too bad you only get to upgrade your igloo or buy clothes for your penguin if you're a member (and to be a member you need to $5USD per month!) sigh*
anyway, do you know what this is called...

i just found out today it's actually called kogepan (burnt bread). HAHA. the thing is, i've always thought it's a piece of shit or something lah! =x
so actually, it's this chao ta bread who feels demoralised bout it's appearance, drinks milk and gets drunk, and basically is always emo. lol. i watched the 10 epi of it's anime. LOL. it's actually some simple, plain anime which has a moral behind the story.
this webby actually has the storyline with very cute drawings: http://lazyjuice.com/!/kogepan/
HAHA. apologies for all the random stuff today. =x
i actually got to know all these random stuff from work. LOL.
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
was at pris' house today.
the three of us (jiayi, pris, n of course me! HAHA. ) were suppose to play tennis.
errr.. more like jia yi n i were suppose to learn from pris lah. wahaha!
but we ended up just talking, screaming at the top of our voices, and laughing unglamly like we always do.
(this is random: i think the bbt at compass point is heavenly! HAHA. =x )
even though we only spent half the afternoon tog, it felt great! :D
i love them! :D:D
ahhh. i wanna go swimming! soonsoon!
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Friday, October 5, 2007
please start watching 'nodame cantabile' on crunchyroll.com or whatever.
im only at the third episode lah and im hooked on to it! =x
errr.. so far. i only know that there's this guy who thrives to become a maestro. HAHA.
it's a comedy. (I LIKE! :D )
yahyah. so my conclusion is. GO N WATCH! :D
27 more days to concert! :D
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
class (A7B9) chalet was from tues-today.
only went yest n tues.
tues - cycled the whole of pasir ris to loyang n back. was uber fun! (:
i wanna go AGAIN! :D
yest - more like a dream to me somehow. in a neutral way. HAHA.
and i'm really touched by my classmates! HAHA. THANKS! :D
other then doing maintenance yest, we did weeding at the other greenhouse.
it loooks like some rundown place with weeds growing EVERYWHERE.
we had to PUUULLLL out all the weeds.
omg, the roots are like the length of my legs lah.
was perspiring profusely after that.
really respect those bangalah workers cum gardeners of singapore! LOL.
seriously. i doubt u can stand doing gardening the whole afternoon under the hot sun.
it kills!
tomorrow will be weeding (part2) cos there're too many already! i better bring extra clothes to change!
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
i feel dirty. like the feelers, legs, and eggs are all over me. ):
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