scream out loud
Makes Me Happier!
you're on your way
Sunday, June 29, 2008
sian. one of my students whom i easily get irritated with is continuing lessons. ): she's always half an hour late for class. still comes in and blabbers non-stop bout a thousand million lame things like her shoe's spoilt and she needs me to mend it for her. she's basically a very extreme attention seeker who think she's a very very good girl who does everything right. =/ on the brighter side, at least her mum's fine and nice. total opposite.
now for the good stuff that happened today! HAHA. im much more excited bout telling you bout this. HAHA. shi hui and asiri kept on reminding me of their birthdates.
"mine's 18th july!" "mine's 3rd august!" "18th july!" "3rd august!" blah blah.
orange: "okay okay okay. i've saved it in my phone alr. what do u want on ur birthday?"
asiri: "errrr...... i want... you teacher!"
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Saturday, June 28, 2008
LOL. my parents went to learn rollerblading at east coast today. HAHA. i was SO SHOCKED when i came back and saw two sun-burnt faces. (they were reddish-black!) HAH! my mum said she was afraid that she would break a limb or two. cos one of her colleagues' sis broke her leg and another's son broke his arm. my father's damn lame lah. he recorded my mum learning how to balance then he kept asking if i wanted to watch cos he said it's damn funny. SO BAD.
haha. kate's damn funny today. she was afraid that her mum would find out that we were doing work in the living room. (her mum wants her to do work at the dining table instead) everytime she hears footsteps she'll stare at me with fear in her eyes! then when she realised it's someone else, she'll go "phew, luckily mummy didn't find out!". LOL. ohoh. she was decorating the tissue paper with stamps after we finished work. when her dad came, she IMMEDIATELY crushed the tissue paper and hid it behind her back. LOL. once again, she went, "phew, luckily daddy didn't find out!".
im watching "bye bye birdie" on youtube. HAHA. the songs in the musical is damn nice! but i think the title of the show sounds dumb. =x watch okay! just type "bye bye birdie" in youtube can alr! :D if you like "the sound of music" and stuff i guess you'll like it too!
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it's rather amazing how you always know what is going on when i myself dont even realise it. o.o time to change my motherboard. lol.
wah. mei hui's as rich as sujun. randomly sent me a mms today also.
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
the philwinds guy came down to teach today! :D so pro! HAHA. wei cheah said he'll borrow the silent brass for me soon!! SO COOL LEH. like the silent piano thing listen to urself using the earpiece. i didnt know such a thing exists. =x i think im living in a well. HAHA. but im kinda afraid i'll turn deaf if i keep listening to myself. sound so horrible. ): hm, i guess that's y i need to practise! :D
im so proud of myself cos i stayed awake for two hours of chemistry lecture! HAH. maybe except for that 5-10 mins before our short little break in between.
actually i wanted to blog yest cause of something i was v happy bout. but i was kinda lazy and then now i totally forgot bout it! ): man!
wah. after i slept for a short while this afternoon. i TOTALLY forgot bout A LOT of people's names lah! like my junior, jiahui. and a few other people. i had to call jia yi just to ask her what my junior's called. damn stupid. maybe it doesnt only apply to kids that having a lack of sleep leads to short term memory and short attention span. ohoh! also, from my 16+ years of experience, i support the statement that, "a hungry man IS a angry man"! plus a little cranky at the same time.
oh yah, yest mrs viji mentioned during comm skills class that people who use "and" very often as a connective word are people with limited vocab! THEN, i IMMEDIATELY felt extremely guilty. cos i ALWAYS use "and". ): HAHA. i shall start practising using more connective words from now on! like... "on the contrary". cos i've always thought it sounds cool! HAHA. e.g. jasmin is not childish, on the contrary, she's rather matured at times. yah lah yah lah. it's not true. just an example! :D
i think sujun's damn rich. keep on sending me ronaldo's photo through mms randomly. during lectures and all. crazy!
OKAY, I SUDDENLY RMB Y I WANTED TO BLOG YEST. COS HOH. WE MADE ORANGE DYE DURING CHEMISTRY LAB. V NICE LEH. HAHA. okay. that's all. maybe, just maybe, im starting to like chemistry slightly more. HAHA.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
i was reaaaally moody just now. but im feeling the total opposite now! that's after napping, eating, and a phone call! (:
got back my results today! i mean monday. HAHA. i ought to be ashamed of it because it's not fantastic. but i felt it's the best i could get. i got my marks for what i studied and managed to remember so im quite contented. HAHA. im especially proud that i passed OrganicChem on the dot. =x COS AH. I ALWAYS FAIL CHEMISTRY. ms low is right bout making the paper easier so we'll feel more motivated. if i failed this term test. i think i'll just not bother to study chemistry anymore and then quit school if i have to retake it next sem. LOL. seriously.
i think i've time management problem. HAHA. BIG time management problem. cos i'll always procrastinate and slack first. slacking isnt the main problem. the thing is, everytime i slack, I'LL END UP SLEEPING. i dunno how many times i've said i'll change. but it takes A LOT of the "d" word to change! please give me some motivation if u read this. thankyou. (: haaaa.
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Sunday, June 22, 2008
i seriously cannot tolerate ill manners! not that i dont have it sometimes. but i cannot tolerate it especially when it comes from a CHILD. wah. and your blood boils even more OVER HUNDRED DEGREES CELCIUS when they think they're smart alex. so very uncute of them you feel like slapping them. ): goodness. for the first time ever since i started teaching im this pissed. i complained three times and ate a lot to feel better. LOL. okay lah. it was more of because i was agitated when i was complaining to my mum and i just kept eating at the same time. i would not like to elaborate more, or else i'll start eating a lot again. nownow, time to chill before school reopens tmr. (:
i watched funny face alr! HAHA. the audrey hepburn show i bought the other time. VERY NICE LEH. i keep watching black n white shows till im feeling like a 60 year old granny. LOL. but i think the 50s shows are much more romantic with better storylines, etc. HAHA. okok, im just old fashioned. i wanna watch my fair lady again! (:
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AHH. I HAVE THIS VERY RANDOM AND STRONG CRAVING FOR LJS BREAKFAAAAAAST. but it's IMPOSSIBLE to satisfy that craving. cos it's 12.27AM NOW. AND THEN I DONT LIVE NEAR LJS. OMGOMGOMG. AHHH. I MISS IT LEH. the melted cheese and all. wa lao. mark lim doesnt know what LJS breakfast is. AND HE NVR HAD BREAKFAST AT FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS LIKE MAC! he IS missing out on the good things in life. =x i grew up eating hotcakes on sundays and im proud of it! :D HAHA. even though i puked everything out straight after eating. LOL.
u know ah. i woke up about an hour ago. and i had weird dreams again. everytime also weird dreams one leh. so annoying. i dreamt that i finished reading the book bout temper tantrums and i got so high and happy. and that my mum told me that lasaic causes constant stomachaches and birth defects of your children. -.- random lke crap. haha!
OHOH. JUST NOW MY MUM TOLD ME THIS JOKE. but i couldnt laugh at it cos i was too tired to laugh. =x yahyah! it's bout the tortoise and rabbit race. it's the part of the story that no one knows but apparently my mum knows and now i know and now YOU will know! HAHA.
soso! Tortoise was running, and running, and running. and he spotted a snail on the way! so he went up to the snail and asked, "do you need a ride?". and the snail agreed and hopped on!
Tortoise then continued running, and running, and running. and then he spotted a caterpillar on the way! so he went up to the caterpillar and asked, "do you need a ride?". and the caterpillar did the same as the snail and hopped on! okay, now guess what the snail said to the caterpillar...
the snail said, "hold on tight! this tortoise's REALLY fast!"
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008
HAHA. I SAW MS CHONG AND LAO JEFF AT THE CONCERT YEST. LOL! before the concert, there was this guy singing some musical like songs with the accompanist. v nice leh! and ah. his facial expressions and all looked like charlie lah. lol. anyway, i expected the concert to have a repertoire of heavy pieces and i was afraid i was going to fall aslp. =x ok, i did feel like slping halfway through the concert, nono. not cause it was boring. meetings in the morning drained my energy. talking bout meetings. our group oc2 meeting was only FIVE MINUTES okay. LOL! all we did was split tasks. and then. okay. let's go home n do our research first. haha! okayokay, the concert. instead. they played a lot of jazzy stuff with all the amazing improvisations! i can nvr improvise ah. so i've always admired people who can. i think i'd better not say more, or else you're gonna laugh at my ignorance. HAHA.
after that i went to look at the brochures cos i wanted to look for the one for "the boy who touched the moon". (which there wasnt lah). it's some puppet play recommended for children 2-4 years old. HAHA. but i wanna watch. =x it says that it's a heartwarming story okay! WANNA WATCH?? $15 only! :D yahyah. then ah!!!! i saw that there's this performance which has "butterfly lover's" leh. and i cant catch it cos i have work. =/
so sad lah. i went to please myself by finally getting the piano concertos cd and KIT KAT CHUNKY WHITE! :D HAHA. i saw this audrey hepburn dvd. like those old old shows. i like to watch leh! HAHA. plus it features songs by the gershwins. i bought it too. HAHA. spend money like as if it drops from the sky. LOL. okay, im watching it later when i come back! (:
ahh. suddenly i rmb school's reopening next week. n there's OC2 test on the FIRST DAY. %#()!*$&@&* LOL. i'd better study for it. or else im gonna hate oc more after the test.
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Monday, June 16, 2008
and so i had band camp on fri and sat. had great fun! (: got to know a few more names here and there. the main comm stayed overnight on thursday to prepare games stuff. jasmine looked like she almost went crazy that night. she kept going, "oh no! i havent done this. havent done that". haha. poor thing! oh yah. and i almost went crazy over fnb stuff. i kept worrying if there're enough food and if it would be served on time. omg man. keep forgetting bout aaron's vegan (new learnt word from kenneth again. LOL.) meal. luckily there were jolene and ignatius who were always so calm. LOL! wah. seriously man. after this camp. i realised FnB isnt THAT easy as it looks like. i've always thought aiya, just order the food then serve loh. from now on i'll cherish every meal being served during camps and events. HAHA!
luckily yest's work was quite satisfying cos i was really tired after camp. im proud of my students! (: shi hui and asiri are starting to be much more hardworking. practising on their own when im teaching someone else. now they're able to play on the beat together! (: and sze yee played two bars with the right fingerings by herself yest! even though it was just two bars, i guess it's a great start! :D i feel really bad cos i was happy that my last class didnt come. firstly cos by then my eyes were closing. secondly, cos i had tons of things to pack after work which might cause me to be late for philwinds concert! when we went in, the band was tuning! :D what a fortunate person i am! HAHA.
there's plm and oc2 meeting tmr. and then im gonna prac. thenthen im going for SAF band concert!!! i've nvr heard them before (noob =x) so im pretty excited bout it! HAHA. isnt it wonderful to have something to look forward to every single day! HAHA. i like that feeling leh. =x
i ask u ah. have you ever felt really angry and disappointed with this person so many times but you just cant seem to hate him/her cos he/she is really nice at times?
okay, before you think this is some relationship crap. i'd better state that it's not. lol. all i can say is. i've been feeling this way towards someone and it's really really annoying. cos you duno whether u want to scold the person or just close one eye. -.-
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
finally bought the pair of shoes i've been eyeing on for MONTHS. LOL. i didnt buy it not because it's expensive (it's only $10), just didnt buy for duno what reason. and then i finally bought it cos i was bored. LOL. so lame.
anyway! everything seems to be falling in place nicely. especially the fact that ting zhen's mum wants to change her lesson from sat to either tues/wed night. haha! which means i'll be going over to the north on tues and i'll be free after teaching kate at yio chu kang on sat! :D:D sounds weird that im happy to travel to the north twice a week. considering the fact that i hate travelling (cos i have annoying motion sickness). lol! but apparently i absolutely am! :D
u know i travelled to yio chu kang, then to pasir ris, then back to the north (sin ming ave, bishan), and then back to pasir ris again today. it's totally crazy and tiring. luckily my last student was ting zhen. she doesn't really concentrate in class and all. but she ALWAYS brings a smile to my face. cos she gives funny comments bout everything! she loves colouring. and she loves to ask me to colour her work with her. and then cos the colouring space is so small and the colour pencils will "knock into each other", she will say that they're fighting! LOL. so cute. (:
haha. sometimes i feel like i'm living in the 19th century. random.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
i've been listening to vienna boy's "I am from Austria" album. IM SO ADDICTED TO IT. HAHA. especially "a wonderful day"! it's the perfect morning song! (:
OH! U KNOW AH. smetana actually composed "the moldau" in THREE WEEKS. wa lao. crazy person. plus he was deaf. OMG. CRAZY. im still quite sad that i'm missing the performance. ): man! i really hope i dont miss tchaikovsky's piano concerto no. 1 next year. i know it's a bit far. BUT AHH. I WANT TO WATCH. im going to bug MANY people to watch with me. =x but i think only kenneth will be generous enough to buy the ticket. HAHA. or else he's going to say he's watching it for free cos he's working. then im gonna kill him. HAHA.
If I were a rich man. Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum! HAHAHA.
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Sunday, June 8, 2008
AHH. WA LAO. I HATE MATTHEW. =x COS HE CAN GO TO THE SUNFLOWER GARDEN AT T2 TERMINAL. MATTHEW. U SUCK LEH. =x AHAHAHAHA. hopefully by the time i can buy my own ticket the sunflowers are still there. LOL!
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I REMEMBERED ALREADY! yesterday i wanted to tell you about what jolene n i were talking about after i told her about "Bao Bao". HAHA. VERY FUNNY. so MUST read. HAHA!
at first i was saying how funny it would be if Bao Bao's gf calls him nxt time. like so weird! HAHA. i duno lah. then jolene said her friend's name is "didi". SO FUNNY CAN. imagine the whole family lke that. elder brother called "gege", younger sis called "meimei". HAHAHA. very stupid! then another friend of hers said his family's name all start with the letter "A". cos one of them is "Andrew", then another "Anthony" (if my memory's not failing me. HAH.), then his mum's called, "Ah ma", father called "Ah pa", his pet dog called "Animal". THE ANIMAL THING IS THE LAMEST THING IVE EVER HEARD CAN. BUT SO FUNNY. HAHA. QUICK! LAUGH. OHOH. then last one. her dunno who's children. one's called "Abby" the other's called "Cindy". er. u try saying out loud "Abby! Cindy!" DAMN FAST. ----okay. 1 min for you to try---- it sounds like "A-B-C-D" right!!!. FASTER TRY IF U HAVENT OKAAAY! :D YAY!
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
firstly, and for the most obvious reason, term test's OVER! :D:D:DD:D
the kids had their concert today (u know, the tigger thing i mentioned long long ago, long long ago.)! they had to wait for their turn to perform, and started getting restless even though we played "meet the robinsons" for them. i had to be like a nanny and babysit them. LOL. WAH. I TELL YOU AH. it's quite tiring okay. partly cos i had to wake up at six today after a week of term test. and then! asiri, KEPT on turning to look at me and making random weird noises so i had to entertain her. then after that. three of them sat on me at every ONE time, with one kid jumping on me from the back at random times. and somehow they seem to like hugging and tugging on to both of my legs! crazy people! haha. but it was fun! we sang 'row,row,row your boat', acted like a train when we queued and walked to the backstage, see who could jump higher etcetc. HAHA! oh. u know ah. there's this girl who has A LOT of clothes! and her clothes are either made by her mum or imported from overseas. o.O her mum specially made a dress and bought a new pair of shoes JUST YESTERDAY for today's concert. lucky girl! okok. now im gonna show u who asiri is. HAHA.

awww. so cute! (:

guess what! that boy's name is BAOBAO. HAHA! :D
did you realise kids like to do that "naneenaneepoopoo" face?!

after that i met up with jolene, wei zhen, kenneth, wei cheah, law wei, and ignatius. HAHA. after they left. jolene and i walked n shopped until the sun came down. HAHA. AND THEN I REALISED I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO KENNETH N RETURN TO "CIVILISATION' -.- cos the mrt was SO PACKED! anw, at least i had a great time talking to jolene after that killer term test. aiya. actually ive got more things to say. but i want to go talk on the phone. =x another wonderful stress reliever. LOL. okay! LAST THING LAST THING!
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Thursday, June 5, 2008
omg. i feel like crying. (but i obviously wouldnt -.-) there's oc2 paper tmr. and i totally have no mood to study for it. firstly, it's the subject i detest most. secondly, my mind's on a hundred million other things.
geez. cmon. its the last paper. last paper. LAST paper! randomly i just thought of nessun dorma. cos i dont think i'll get to slp tonight. -.-
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Sunday, June 1, 2008
but ah! she's still as blur. (even MORE blur than me okay! and pls dont say that it's quite expected cos i'm her teacher!) after i told her she got a distinction, she didnt show ANY sign of happiness okay! then i realised, she doesn't know what distinction means. -.-
zt: what is distinction?
orange: the best grade you can get.
zt: means what.
orange: a grade higher than pass is merit, if it's higher than merit means distinction loh.
zt: huh. means what.
orange: like how you have band 1,2,3 blahblah in school (she's pri 4 btw). band 1 is the best right?
zt: nods head*
orange: yah lah! so distinction is like your band 1 lah.
zt: huh. means what.
orange: aiya. means v good lah. -.-
HAHA. there were other little things that made my day. but i've forgotten what they are. LOL. tell you next time IF i remember. OKOKOKOKOK. TOMORROW'S THE START OF TERM TEST. LET'S BE EXCITED ABOUT IT AND STUDY. V GOOD. THIS IS THE WAY TO GO. no one will ever pay me to be a motivational speaker. =x
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