scream out loud
Makes Me Happier!
you're on your way
Saturday, November 29, 2008
luckily jasmine followed me to artbox yest! now i dont feel like im going through 'cold turkey'. wanting to buy but not think i shouldnt buy that orange pencilbox. it's TORTURING. HAHA. i didn't know it's a slide open pencilbox. SO TROUBLESOME! this time, i've really decided not to buy it. but now, cynthia and jasmine made me feel like having lotsa stickers. ): CYNTHIA HAS THIS COLLECTION OF STICKERS. SO MANY LAH. o.o so i kope a few from her, and kope a few from jasmine who brought stickers too! cynthia has a lot of orange (the fruit) stickers! they look so adorable! :D YAY!
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Sunday, November 23, 2008
i just talked to kenneth! HAHAHA.
actually my main purpose is because i wanted to say how lucky i am. =x
because! my students' parents are EVER so understanding! :D
had to RUSH downstairs to gther students for a perf, so i ended the class 5 mins early.
text the parents after the perf that i'll extend the lesson next week n told them to go through the pieces with their children. one of the parents' reply was:
'No worries, teacher. We will go through them. thanks!'
SO touching. =x LOL!
then i text the parents of those who performed to thank them for their hardwork and..:
'It was good exposure for them n she enjoyed herself very much. Thank u for e present too, it made the kids happy!' n others. :D
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Friday, November 21, 2008
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
YAY! i found advantages of eating almond n chili!
almonds may well be a food that helps fight obesity and diabetes.
Almonds may lower LDL (aka “bad") cholesterol, and they seem to help block the body’s absorption of both fat and carbohydrates.
1. Chili contains lots of protein.
2. Chili has a lot of fiber.
3. Chili contains Vitamin C.
4. Chili is high in iron, even the veggie versions.
5. Chili can help you lose weight.
6. Chili can make you happy!
7. Chili can curb your cravings for fatty foods and sweets.
8. Chili can help boost your immune system.
9. Chili may help regulate blood sugar after eating.
10. Chili can help clear congestion.
but seriously whenever i take excessive chili (which tastes great!), i'll feel bloated leh. =/ i dont know if it's just psychological effects though!
SO chili is BOTH rich in Vitamin A & C. means both yanie and me are correct! :D
yay! faster! increase ur intake of CHILI and ALMOND NOW!
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
HAHAHA. u know ah. i told my mum bout ignatius yest. it's the FIRST ever time i talked to her bout this kinda things. hur. we didnt exactly talk either ah. i chose this random time (when we were in the car, n my dad was on the phone talking damn loudly. i whispered to her. LOL.) to tell her. BECAUSE, i was expecting her to scold me, so if my dad's talking on the phone, she can't scold IF she was going to. =x she just said, talk about it when we get back. omg, sound so scary can. in the end she just asked random questions about him which i didnt answer all cos i had to go to the toilet. n the conversation stopped there. LOL! aiya, actually ah. i wanted to tell her the day before yest. i kept asking her. 'mummy, i tell u something u cannot scold me okay.' n she KEPT saying she couldnt promise me. so i gave up. LOL.
im now in the process of downloading SKYPE (finally)..
ohoh! i wanted to say. i dont really like my current sem's comm skills teacher. she's knowledgeable n v experienced. BUT AH, she's damn sarcastic. ANDAND! she circled my email on my resume and said it's 'unprofessional'!!! BUT MY EMAIL'S SO NICE! how can she say that. i had it since sec 1 and none of my student's parents complained about it. ): fine, im just being petty. BUT THEN! HOW CAN SHE INSULT MY EMAIL!!! ):
okay. i finished d/ling skype. just nice that i finished complaining. before i forget!!!
take a look at http://strinknbake.blogspot.com/! THE CUPCAKES LOOK YUMMY!! i wanna buy the xmas ones. wheee! :D
raquel said she's gonna make the orange ear studs for me! :D
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
IGNATIUS SAID HE WANTS TO TELL ME SOMETHING TMR> LOL!. i know it's gonna be damn lame. but u knoww!!! when people say, 'i tell you something tmr'. OMG. I HATE IT. LOL it drives me crazy. LOL! curiosity doesnt only kill the cat. it kills JASMIN. ME. ME. LOL!
OH YAAH. i wanted to blog about my conversation with kenneth over the phone. LOL! I THINK I ALMOST WENT CRAZY INSIDE WHEN I SAW HIS NAME ON MY HP. i kinda didnt know how to react. LOL! n the worst thing was, my phone batt was DYING. LOL! actually that's all i want to blog about ah. LOL! cos i think u'll be damn bored if i typed out the whole conversation and how i keep talking bout myself going crazy that he called again n again. LOL! ok, no worries. kenneth is coming back soon. i wont die of a heart attack or spasms.
n ah!! just now during class. there was only asiri n me. cos the others didnt come.
A: teacher! i tell u what i do everday
o: what?
A: ohoh! everyday ah! laughs excitedly* i wake up. then i go kumon. come back eat lunch. play. then i draw. after i draw then i revise other work. laughs excitedly again*
o: WAH! u draw EVERYDAY? there're so many things to draw?.
A: oh! yes! i draw everyday. i draw what i see in my mind. it is very easy. i just imagine. then i draw. laughs yet again*
o: Ohhhhhhh..... so creative!! so you like to draw?
A: YES! it's SO fun! so fun! fun fun fun! go crazy* so happy! happy! im a happy girl! (keeps repeating that sentence*)
LOL! crazy girl. BUT V CREATIVE RIGHT. she draws what she imagines EVERYDAY. so cool! :D oh yah. she LOVES being alone in a class. when she knew no one's coming. she KEPT saying how happy she is again n again. because she could touch everything. -.- lol
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my hectic week's finally gone! (at least for now) i keep having 'i dont know if i should eat' feeling. because i feel guilty that im eating instead of doing work. n then when i want to do work when im home, i just fall aslp halfway. LOL. im quite sad now cos i miss every single bit of avec l' expression II. ): i've nvr felt like this about a concert in a long time. heh. during the concert, i kept thinking what it would be like not being in a band in future. lol. oh yah. i realised i lost my rose dunno where lah. damn. -.-
1) I FINISHED MY ESSAY ON TIME. LOL. luckily my ideas were kinda flowing this morning. or else i dunno how to find 1 800 words. need to re-edit it and reorganise it though.
2) i finally had time to correct michelle's wrong techniques and she FINALLY listened. i realised her aural skills are excellent IF she BOTHERS to listen.
3) Today's rehearsal was SUCCESSFUL! they could actually stood still! was really amazed. HAHA!
4) I LIKE THE MASTERCLASS. have to admit it was kinda boring at certain parts. plus i was sitting at the last row. plus i cannot sit still for SO LONG. LOL! but it was definitely motivating. LOL!
7) ALSO!!! cos i FINALLY 'went out'. HAHA. went out to watch madagascar with ignatius on saturday! HAHA. can u believe, it is the FIRST movie we watched after we got tog for.. 5 months? LOL. okay, i think it's quite pathetic. LOL!

but it's SOOOO ex! how i wish that im still at the age when i can pray that my teeth drops to exchange for this with the tooth fairy.
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Sunday, November 9, 2008
my student cried in my class today cos she couldnt catch up when we were playing together for the rehearsal! but she's the best and most hardworking! ): then i hugged her cos i really didn't want her to cry. really felt like i threw my whole heart out when i hugged her. but she continued to cry for really long. ): omg, so sad. hope she's alright now. if only she a hp, then i can call her to ask her if she's okay directly. oh yah! okok. i think i'll call her mum tomorrow to ask if she's okay. yay.
anw! i received my bryan terfel's cd two days back! (: n also the books that i ordered online (after so long! luckily it's worth the wait). haha. there's one song where ronan keating sang with bryan terfel! i used to love ronan keating!! i cant rmb why actually. i think cos he's songs were quite meaningful. but it felt a bit weird ah. cos he was singing 'danny boy' with bryan terfel. different genre. it's still nice though! (: i think next time my children MUST be able to sing. =x i'll force them to sing for me. children have such lovely voices! (:
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Saturday, November 8, 2008
last night really seemed like a loong night. not just because band ended late and there was a meeting after. hm, but i guess it was all worthwhile. everything happens for a reason! even though some things suck! at least i see a clearer picture of things and what i want now. (:
haha! i realised kenneth always smses me at the right time. like a day after i thought of smsing him to cry for 'help'. lol.
okkk. so concert's on friday. time really flies. lol! i can already see christmas coming and cny too. cny always reminds me of valentine's day. dunno why. i think cos i always have the impression cny's usually during februaury! haha. im really happy that at least wei ming could come for the concert! people i wanted to invite are ALL busy. A' levels, this exam that exam. ): how sad. N RAQUEL CAN COME TOO! :D she bought tics las yr n coudlnt come! thankfully she can this time! :D
this sem's filled with PBL PBL and MORE PBL. HAHA. though im complaining that it sucks to be busy. like u duno which subject's project to do first because the deadlines are all around the same time! but im secretly. okay, it's not that big a secret. HAha but i really love pbl. as compared to exams. dont u? at least u can relate better and not just MEMORISE. not that i'm doing a lot better in it though. =x OMG. talkng about memorise. im damn scared and worried about pharmacology. ): n i think my groupmates are quite slack but still can things done! :D (EXCEPT for the recent bpharm group. ): i can foresee myself complaining after every meeting. LOL.) ok, im supposed to go read my joan last ever since 10. LOL. shall start in 10 secs! bye!
p.s. IM CURRENTLY IN LOVE WITH ALMOND JELLY. im practically eating it everyday. LOL. im going to drink almond tea tmr during break time! :D
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