scream out loud
Makes Me Happier!
you're on your way
Monday, December 28, 2009
my dad received some cute xmas presents this year! (:
look at this!

when u 'break' the egg... you'll see a very adorable blue lil dinosaur with two packets of breakfast cereals inside! :D

and after you have eaten the cereal. you can use the egg as a piggy bank!
im easily amazed by things with multiple uses. haha. (:
and another interesting present is this ice cream cup!

i was wondering which crazy person gave an ice cream cup to my dad. (wont the ice cream melt?!)
but im SO wrong. there're actually notes inside the ice cream cup! haha. it reminded me of jasmine's designs of an ice cream cup for one of her assignments.
quite fascinating eh? :D
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i dunno why i woke up randomly at this hour... with an empty stomach. ):
craving for a slice of that brownie in the fridge...
should i / should i not..
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Saturday, December 26, 2009
spent christmas day at m'sia yest to celebrate my grandfather's bday. (:
it was quite a nice trip cos i finally went to m'sia (JB) with my relatives worry-free! (cos usually they'll go on sat, n i'll have to teach on sun. so i'll be worried that i cant finish my work blah blah.) it took TWO HOURS for us to cross the customs. (as expected, since it's xmas day) luckily im not the one driving! HAHA. that's y i always wonder if there's a need to learn how to drive. HAHA. cos if ppl know i dont know how to drive, i can just happily sleep at the back seats. HAHAHA.
went for brunch at 'New Hong Kong' restaurant. wahaha. it serves dim sum! :D YAY! havent had dim sum in a long time. yes, i went to hong kong the other time. but NO, i didnt eat dim sum there. -.- the food was quite good n the dim sum was served VERY quickly. but i have no idea why they take super long to serve things that are easier to prepare. (i think they took HALF AN HOUR to serve ice water!) it was quite annoying cos everyone was v thirsty. ): ANYWAY, IF you ever go to that restaurant you MUST. i repeat. YOU MUST try the mango pudding. HAHA. i LOVE mango pudding!!! and i havent eaten such a delicious mango pudding for v long. it has that v creamy texture instead of most mango puddings which are more jelly-like. n it comes with REAL mango. HAHAHAHA. YAY! :D
went to Jusco after that. i dunno why my relatives seem to know all the shopping malls in JB ok. i think they can at least name you 10 and they know how to get there without gps. the queue for movie tickets was VERY VERY long!!! it's like the queue to snatch for hello kitties from macdonalds! but my uncle miraculously jumped the queue without anyone knowing and got us tickets for two movies. o.o the first movie was 'treasure hunter'. u know, the one with jay chou. dont watch it okay. it's so boring i fell aslp twice. -.- the storyline's quite bad. thank god the next movie was good. wahaha. watch bodyguards and assassins okay! HAHA. i think i like it cos there were kungfu scenes. HAHAHA. I LOVE KUNGFU SCENES! so cool! bodyguards and assassins is kinda like ip man! :D:D so if you liked the latter, please go n watch!
:D i hope i can watch alvin n the chipmunks soooon!
anw! ignatius' sip is ending soon! :D hope his timetable will be slack after that!
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

haha! if only wei zhen wears ear studs.. i will definitely get this for him!
jia yi smsed me today! :D we're most likely meeting up next week. :D
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Friday, December 18, 2009
check out this website: Jinjerup!
i wish i know and have the patience to make those pretty cards. (:
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Thursday, December 10, 2009
IM BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK from my enjoyable, fabulous, idealistic trip! (:
shall tell you more about it another time.
ignatius' working morning shift tomorrow so that we can watch the princess and the frog!!!
SO EXCITED! :D:D:D suddenly, i wanna say.. I MISS SINGAPORE. LOL. which makes me look EVEN MORE forward to tomorrow cos i'll get to walk along singapore streets. AHHAHA. ohohoh, n im MUST eat smth with lotsa chili tmr. i think i was kinda deprived of it the past few days. ):
anyway. i FINALLY get to see my result slip. feel so relieved after seeing it.. (u know how it feels like when ure away n someone smses you bout whether uve seen ur results BUT u dont get to see it AT ALL?!?!?!) i love the result slip! cos it looks like the abrsm cert. hahahahah! :D my mum's super kua zhang. she said she'll go n laminate it before i spoil it. -.-
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
oh dearie dear.
im happy but.. there's a part of me that doesn't feel right.
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Saturday, December 5, 2009
there are TOO many reasons why im happy today!
- i spent over $80 at yamaha. LOL. im not happy that i spent money! it's just that i like the things i bought.
- the most exciting's the bela bartok mikrokosmos book! :D (i've been advised several times that it's a good pedagogy book but i didnt believe! IT REALLY IS! the studies are VERY progressive! so excited to use it!)
- i ate jalan kayu's prata again!
- JASMINE, wei zhen, wei da, and yong lin (HAHA. must CAPS Jasmine's name because obviously she was the one who thought of what to buy! =x) bought me birthday presentSSSS!!! thank you!
- AND I FINALLY ATE LOG CAKE... (wei zhen, we dont need to eat alr. LOL!)
now, read on if ure interested to know in detail. LOL!
you know.. i've been wanting buy a thousand million things! like a new bag cos mine's getting torn and tattered. (it alr is actually) and i've been trying to find a nice envelope bag (is that what it's called?) that's A4! VERY HARD TO FIND OKAY. cos when it's nice, it's usually too small for a A4. and when i seem to have found something i like, i'll hesitate because i dont know if i should spend the money. like what if that' s not the nicest i can find. LOL. ahhhh, im always like that. other than that. ive been trying to find a nice pair of slippers (not flip flops) for SUPER LONG also! but i nvr really found one for almost the same reasons as the bag. aiya, i bet u guessed what i wanted to say alr. YESSSSSS. Jasmine, wei da, wei zhen, and yong lin got those things for me!!!! :D:D:D
ok, that's not the sweetest. rmb i told you about the cold storage bacon stick that'll make you (maybe it's just me) salivate??? JASMINE BOUGHT IT TOO. PLUSPLUS, she rmbed that i was excited when i saw the cute little raspberry cake in cold storage too and bought it for me!!! awwwww. i bet you're all jealous that i've such a sweet friend. =x ohoh, also! i was complaining to ignatius how boring today would be. cos i wanted to go SOMEWHERE (i dunno where) or do SOMETHING. but i didnt know what to do or who to find. in the end, jasmine agreed to come to my place to accompany me! so in the end, i was a happy little girl! HAHAHAHA.
after she left, i went to practise and stuff. blah blah blah.... and suddenly someone called at 7.30 (must rmb the time okay, v impt =x)!
heh heh heh...
still dunno who right! LOL.
it was... IGNATIUS!
he asked me what i was doing and stuff as usual. and i didnt suspect ANYTHING ok! actually i did lah. cos DUNNO WHY he seemed super free today smsing me all the time. YOU KNOW WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. HE ASKED ME TO GO DOWNSTAIRS IF I WANT TO EAT MY LOGCAKE. HAHAHAHHA. THE THING IS (IM EXCITED THAT'S Y IM CAP-SING. LOL!) HE'S SUPPOSED TO FINISH WORKING AT 8PM! Q@H#$IJAWKLEUCWOIEUCA. NOT A SINGLE WORD CAN EXPLAIN MY EXCITEMENT. HAHA. COS I LOVE SURPRISES AND I WAS EXXXXXXXXXXXTREMELY SURPRISED. nobody's ever done that for me before! (HAHA, ya lah. my life v pathetic lah.!) woohoo! ok, BUT, the sad thing is.... the logcake turned out to be not THAT nice. it's from breadtalk! AHH, breadtalk ALWAYS disappoints me. pretty but... tastes like crap. =x ahahahahah! ignatius celebrated my bday for three days. LOL. cos im not free tmr and the day after im going to macau alr. so funny! and he finally bought the most exciting present. LOL. okokok. i think if i blog somemore i'll explode from excitedness. i better stop now. AHHH.
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if only i have all the money in the world...
i'll want to travel (even though i dont exactly like staying in hotels =/) around the world.
i've never been to japan, EUROPE (esp after how my teacher described germany.. 'it's weird if someone doesnt want to learn music'. so cool!), AFRICA? (lol, i wonder what it's like having the wild animals around you), thailand, australia!, hong kong, taiwan, blah blah...
but the first place i would want to visit now is DISNEYLAND..
i want to buy my own plane tickets and stuff with my hard earned money!
i think it feels more exciting knowing that you bought them YOURSELF! :D:D
next next day is the 7th... and soon the 19th will be here too! :D
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Thursday, December 3, 2009
i am the proud owner of this baby g! :D (it comes in many other cute colours too!)
woohoo! :D the more i look at all the baby g white watches, the more i love them! =x (i have a thing for white watches.) they all look so cute! :D HAHA. i havent owned a digital watch in a loooooong time. which explains my excitedness. HAHA. my only worry is that i'll dirty my watch ): i used my silver cloth to wipe it yest okay! HAHA. n guess what, it's shock-resistant! PERFECT for a clumsy person like me. lol! NOT that i will drop it though! CHOY.
went to jasmine's house to study today. YAY! i read a chapter! =x we were supposed to go shopping after that. but we were too carried away when we saw FOOD. OMG, THE BACON STICK AT COLD STORAGE... OMG... (im salivating again..) i dont understand why jasmine prefers the mediterranean sausage!
OHOHOH, if you're searching for CHEAP AND PRETTY christmas hats. ask me where to get them! HAHA. i bought the plain christmas hats for 80cents each today. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! EIGHTY CENTS. the christmas hats i saw at other places were $2. so it's definitely a steal! :D:D yay! im excited about christmas. (:
a perfectionist that's not perfect is just someone who needs to work harder! (:
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
what is a perfectionist that's not perfect?
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went to see the bodyworlds exhibition at science centre today! (:
i tell you, dont ever eat at the cafe near sakura! it's expensive and doesnt taste good AT ALL. k lah, the sausages were nice (but small). and u know what, the baked beans tasted SALTY! omg, i hate salty food. back to the main point. yah, the bodyworlds exhibition was really very interesting. there're human embryos, foetus, the placenta with twins, a GIRAFFE and many more! and if u don't know what the exhibition is about. all those things that i mentioned about are post mortal and preserved. and there's this audio device that you can rent which makes the exhibition more interactive! cos you get to listen to the person tell you things in detail instead of reading the info yourself. :D:D but then!!! after walking for one and a half hours, and reading all the information.... my brain was totally dead..... n it kinda reminded me of HAP lecture last time. (in a good way okay. HAHA. it made me regret not studying it well) HAHA.
since our brains were drained, ignatius suggested that we watch a movie! :D
i've been wanting to watch a movie!!! :D:D next time i really must listen to nicholas soh's recommendation of movies! MULAN WAS AWESOME! throughout the show i kept wanting to cry! it was very touching! so different from the cartoon mulan. HAHA. YOU SHOULD WATCH IT! :D
im still waiting for the princess and the frog... and MEIHUI I RMB THE CHIPMUNKS DATE OK.
last but not least, i must exclaim my excitement that i finally got a baby g watch!!!
totally understand why people will want to buy it now! i like the animations! :D:D
i promise to be EXTREMELY careful with my watch! :D
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